Our blog

'Life is a dance. Mindfulness is witnessing that dance.' — Amit Ray

Introducing Charlie!

I'm Charlie Knoles, and I'm thrilled to step into the role of General Manager at Mindful Meditation Australia.

Developing Mindful Meditation Practices in High Schools

The prevalence of societal changes in recent decades has had a noticeable impact on the well-being and engagement of teenagers, leading to a decline in mental health, breadth of interest, and feelings of inclusiveness within social settings.

A simple meditation for beginners

New to meditation and not sure where or how to start? MMA's Manager School Relations, David Hewitt, takes us through a simple meditation that you can practise anytime, anywhere.

Three simple ways to be more mindful on your lunchbreak

We sit down with Kim and ask how she fits mindfulness and meditation into her busy day.

How to make mindful glitter bottles for kids

Glitter bottles are an excellent analogy for the thoughts/feelings/behaviours and how these constantly occurring can cause our vision to become cloudy, hence needing to take a moment to be still and mindful.

Mindful Me at Lake Gwelup Primary School

We piloted an intervention emotional wellbeing program during term 3 in 2021 at Lake Gwelup Primary School.

Mindfulness, Meditation and Me

There was a time when I was stupidly busy. 80 hours per week, anaesthetising patients, and leading DonateLife in Western Australia. I barely had time for my target of 400km per week, riding my bike.