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'Life is a dance. Mindfulness is witnessing that dance.' — Amit Ray
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Three simple ways to be more mindful on your lunchbreak

We sit down with Kim and ask how she fits mindfulness and meditation into her busy day.

One of our star facilitators, Kim, comes from a secondary teacher background and spent 14 years developing resources and training teachers around the country in the area of drug and resilience education in young people. She is the author of the MMA Teacher Resources and has been a regular meditator for over 12 years. She holds a bachelor’s degree in arts, a diploma in education, a diploma in health promotions and a Certificate IV in assessment and workplace training.

"The first thing I do is make sure I'm eating mindfully. So that means I'm away from my desk, not looking at my phone and not checking emails. It usually means I'm sitting outside and with every mouthful I take, I'm mindful of the texture and flavour, and feeling grateful for the meal itself."
"The second thing I do is go for a walk. I do a simple meditation and bring in my five senses - such as what can I see at the moment, what can I feel against my skin, what can I hear close by and further away, and what can I smell."
"Finally, I like to finish with a breathing exercise. Research tells us that the out breath is really important. I might do four steps breathing in, and six steps breathing out. The rhythm of my walking helps with my breathing and my longer exhale."
Lead Facilitator
Kim Chute