
Here's what the science says: mindfulness in schools can deliver positive outcomes among staff and students.

Mindful schools

Curtin University Pilot Study

MMA has teamed up with Dr David Lawrence and his team of researchers at Curtin University on a two-school pilot study.

The overall aim of the study is to demonstrate the effectiveness of the MMA Framework, focussing on the classroom setting, the feasibility of both the program and the data collection methods, and to improve the chances of obtaining future external research funding from the Australian Research Council or Healthway for a full-scale evaluation study.

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Formative Evaluation of Mindfulness in Schools

Dr Stacey Waters from Health Promotion Solutions conducted a case study for MMA that explored current mindfulness practice in West Australian schools.

This groundbreaking research was a series of curriculum based case studies within schools known to be implementing mindfulness programs or strategies.

The case studies included interviews and focus groups with both students and key stakeholders at each school, as well as interviews. Evidence documenting the planning, implementation and evaluation phases of these programs and strategies was collated and evaluated.

The purpose of each school-based case study was to develop a holistic view of how mindfulness programs work in each school. This information has informed recommendations for Mindful Meditation Australia to implement mindfulness programs in schools across Western Australia.

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Importance of mindfulness in schools

Dr Richard Chambers presented a keynote on the importance of mindfulness in schools, and the function of meditation and mindfulness in the human brain.

With particular focus on education and classroom behaviour, Dr Chambers put forward a compelling case for the necessity of mindfulness being a fundamental part of the classroom model in order to establish a well-rounded education.