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School Culture

To change behaviours of students, staff and parents, the school’s culture needs to reflect one of mindfulness. This can be created in several ways but broadly involves communication, role modelling and whole-school activities.

Strategies for Action


  • Newsletter items;
  • Notes and flyers home to families;
  • Discussion at assemblies;
  • Discussion at staff meetings;
  • Integration in to daily notices;
  • Tips and reminders within school diaries or planners; and
  • Information discussed at parent evenings.

Role Modelling

  • Leadership Team role model mindful practices in all activities;
  • Mindful activities modelled at staff meetings / professional development;
  • Staff supported to practice mindfulness in stressful situations; and
  • Staff encouraged to role model and help students to use mindful practice while managing student behaviour

Whole-school activities

  • Assembly items and discussions;
  • Incursions / Excursions;
  • Whole-school activities such as Yoga, Zentangling, Meditations; and
  • Extra-curricular activities offered (lunch time activities, before or after school).


Meditation and staff meetings

What is it

Taking time to meditate or breathe before or during staff meetings.

How it works

Many organisations lead a 5-10 minute meditation before staff meetings. Schools can also commit to doing some deep breaths before a meetings commence.


Have a member of the school faculty lead a meditation at the beginning of a staff meeting. You can use one of MMA's scripted or recorded meditations or one of Smiling Minds recorded meditations.

Mindfulness for dealing with challenging behaviour

What is it

Using mindfulness to work with young people or staff who are emotionally triggered.

How it works

There are many techniques available for dealing with challenging behaviour in a mindful way. Schools may select a number of strategies to use throughout the school when dealing with behaviour issues.


  • Doing breath work before dealing with issues
  • Dealing with issues in an outdoor setting not in an office
  • Committing to a cool off period before discussing problems
  • Recognising that some more challenging young people will not be able to take part in normal class activities some days and finding other ways they can help in the school
Short daily practice over PA system

What is it

3-10 minute daily practice over the PA system.

How it works

Create a school wide commitment for doing one daily meditation over the PA. This can be done at the beginning of the year in school assemblies.


Electing a member of staff or student to lead a daily mindfulness or meditation practice over the schools PA system. You can choose a recorded meditation from MMA or Smiling Mind or have a staff member or student deliver the meditation.

Integrating mindfulness into the school's existing values program

What is it

Sustainable way of embedding mindfulness

How it works

Mindfulness is linked to the values program to ensure its sustainability and to demonstrate its clear linkage to the school's current activities


Look for ways to link mindfulness to the school's current Values (or similar) program. As every school will have a different set of values or way of embedding values, this integration process will look different in every school. Ideas for linking values to mindfulness include changing some of the values messages to reflect mindful practice.

Encouraging calming after breaks

What is it

Committed meditation after lunch or recess.

How it works

Create a school wide commitment for delivering a 5-10 minute practice after all breaks. Young people can take part in some quite time to calm and prepare for learning.


Take part in MMA's Body Breath meditation if there is not much available time. For longer meditations a recording can be played or custom meditation can be delivered by a staff member. Links to suggested recorded meditations:

Newsletter Items

What is it

Continual promotion of mindfulness messages to families

How it works

Short reminders about mindfulness are added to weekly or fortnightly newsletters or family communication channels


Use MMA newsletter items

Whole school body breath commitment

What is it

Easy fast and effective practice.

How it works

This practice can be adopted school-wide with little training. It's purpose is to calm and reset. This can be done before dealing with issues, after breaks, in meetings, or on-the-spot throughout the day.


Click here

Reminders in school diaries / planners

What is it

Weekly and daily reminders for students and staff

How it works

Tips and reminders placed in the diary or planners before being printed/published by the school

Mindfulness month

What is it

School-wide wellbeing focused month.

How it works

Dedicating a month in each school year to wellbeing. The month can be advertised to parents, staff and young people and might include a mental health style activity everyday of the month to give young people some understanding of the different tools they can access for personal support.


School might engage external facilitators to lead yoga, meditation and mindfulness workshops. Staff and young people might dedicate more time each day to mindfulness and meditation activities. The school might choose this month to learn about emotional regulation and mental health techniques.

Daily Notices

What is it

Ongoing regular reminders to the whole-school community of mindfulness

How it works

If using PA announcements etc, the Principal or Deputy integrates mindfulness reminders on a regular basis

Staff role modelling mindful behaviour

What is it

Students witnessing adults role modelling mindfulness

Excursions or Incursions relating to mindfulness

What is it

External agencies reinforcing mindfulness messages


If you would like recommendations please contact MMA

Extra-curricular activities offered at break times or before/after school

What is it

Activities offered to support students who may require additional social or emotional support

How it works

Chess clubs, meditation groups, colouring or yoga sessions etc