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Time is an important preparation factor of MMA’s whole-school approach to mindfulness. The following Strategies for Action will assist in planning, implementation and evaluation.

Strategies for Action

Time to Implement

How it Works: The Project Team have sufficient time to implement the school’s approach to mindfulness

Instructions: MMA’s whole school approach will provide strategy on classroom implementation. Schools may also consider short meditation activities:

  • after breaks
  • during meetings
  • over the school PA System or
  • longer practice within homerooms

Time to Plan

How it Works: Teachers have sufficient time to plan their classroom approach to mindfulness

Instructions: Schools will be given time to plan initiatives in MMA’s training courses. Schools may also consider and encourage ongoing time dedicated to planning. This might take the form, of whole school planning time in staff meetings, encouraged time for weekly planning.

Time for Teachers to practice meditation for themselves

How it Works: Teachers require time to practice meditation for themselves in order to experience and then understand the benefits of meditation.

Instructions: Schools provide time for teachers to practice quiet meditation in staff meetings and other formal gatherings and encourage their staff to explore meditation resources at home in their own time (such as Smiling Minds).

Time for Teachers to practice delivering mindfulness and meditation activities to students

How it Works: Teachers require time to practice delivering mindfulness and meditation activities to children, at first with their peers, the with their class.

Instructions: Schools should provide time for teachers to practice leading student mindfulness and meditation activities with their peers then with students before being asked to use these strategies in the classroom. This helps overcome their concerns about leading meditation and mindful practice before asking their students to participate

Time to Evaluate

How it Works: The school’s project team is provided with sufficient time to evaluate the school’s approach to mindfulness

Instructions: Using MMA’s self-reflection tools and student, staff and parent surveys, the project team should collect relevant data to explore the effectiveness of their approach

Time for Training

How it Works: There is sufficient time allocated to staff training in mindfulness

Recommendations: Schools can dedicate PD days to training, or participate in training courses over several days or weeks during or after school hours. Dot time can also be dedicated time for training. For teachers who are passionate, there are many courses available for personal learning that will support personal and professional development in mindfulness and meditation.