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One of the most important components of a school’s capacity to implement mindfulness is ensuring the school staff ready for and supportive of the school’s approach.

This requires schools to assess the entire school’s staff (teaching and non-teaching) readiness to embrace an approach to mindfulness and addressing any potential barriers staff may have to the role of mindfulness in schools.

Strategies for Action
  • Work with the school staff to promote a belief that mindfulness is an important tool to use in schools. This can be achieved through whole-staff training, providing reading materials and resources and any other activities that will help demonstrate to staff that mindfulness has an important role in schools; and
  • Promote the ‘champion’ or champions within the school that staff can talk with one-on-one to discuss how mindfulness in schools works and to overcome any concerns or fears about the approach that they may have.
  • The school’s champion for mindfulness provides abbreviated training for new staff when they arrive
  • Implement teacher training and make resources actively available for staff

New staff training

How it works: New staff are provided with the necessary support to implement the school’s approach to mindfulness.

Instructions: The school's champion for mindfulness provides abbreviated training for new staff when they arrive.

Mindfulness in the classroom

How it works: Teaching and non-teaching staff have sufficient training to implement mindfulness in their classroom.

Instructions: (Regular training for teaching and non teaching staff)

School Psychologist or Counsellor Involvement

How it works: The school has adequate access to a school psychologist or counsellor to support the approach to mindfulness.

Staff knowledge of mindfulness

How it works: Staff at this school have the necessary knowledge to implement mindfulness in their classroom.